The Ferme piscicole des Bobines operates the biggest rainbow trout raising site in Québec as well as transforming its products directly at the farm for maximum freshness. Our fish farm, located in East Herford in the Eastern Townships, is an official partner with Ocean Wise, an organization that promotes sustainable aquaculture. Raised in an environment that practices sustainable aquaculture, our trout is the freshest around!


Clément Roy


  • Trout filet with skin
  • Smoked trout filet
  • Slice smoked trout filet
  • Trout pie
  • Smoked trout spread

Business TO KNOW MORE!

For over 40 years
La Ferme piscicole des Bobines is committed to producing and processing top quality rainbow trout, in an environment that promotes sustainable and responsible aquaculture. 

An adventure that begins in 1980

In Sainte-Edwidge-de-Clifton (Estrie), in the early 1900s, a sawmill was built, producing coils whose motors were activated by stream water. The 1930s resulted in the closure of this mill and the stream was named “Ruisseau des Bobines” in its memory.

It was in 1980, after four years of experience, that the current owners of Ferme piscicole des Bobines embarked full time on the adventure of trout production in Ste-Edwidge. As the water supply for the fish farm came from the “Ruisseau des Bobines,” the choice of the name for the fish farm was obvious.

In 1989, in order to meet the growing customer demand, the owners set out to find a site where groundwater would be of exceptional quality. This is how, after much research, the company established itself in the magnificent village of East Hereford in the Eastern Townships.

In 2000, the area for processing the trouts was tripled in order to increase production.

Since 2003, Ferme piscicole des Bobines has contributed to the development of STRADDAQ (Sustainable development strategy for freshwater aquaculture in Quebec). This strategy is an agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, and the AAQ (Association des Aquaculteurs du Québec). The objective is to reduce phosphorus discharges from Quebec aquaculture production by 40% by 2013.

From 2004, the company modernized all its equipment by adopting an innovative and unique breeding system, which today sets itself as a benchmark in sustainable aquaculture.

In 2011, an efficient wastewater treatment system was added to the current system and now allows the farm to meet and even surpass Quebec environmental standards.

In 2012, the company worked on a project to build new recirculating breeding tanks in a greenhouse, with a constant concern to improve the conditions for trout breeding and to remain a leader in the trout field in Québec.

In 2018, the fish farm is building a brand new boutique to better welcome its customers. With the addition of various regional products, the service offer is enhanced. Today, the company meets the strictest standards in terms of sustainable and responsible aquaculture, including "Best Choice" recognition by the independent organizations: OCEAN WISE AND SEA CHOICE